Sunday, February 21, 2010

Broughton St. Harasser

On Thursday night, two friends and I were sitting outside of Starbucks on the corner of Broughton and Bull. A guy came up and asked us if we would buy him some coffee. He looked normal enough, but none of us had any money to buy him some. He started spouting off about how he was an incarnation of Shivah, and that he would one day reign down upon us. We thought at first that he was drunk and just messing with us, but it got serious pretty quickly. He kept going in and out of different accents. The whole thing was very strange. He started calling my friend a demon, and when my girl friend went inside to use the restroom, he kept asking if she was calling the police. He said he was looking for a sacrifice and that he would be in jail by the end of the night. I think he picked up on the fact that two of us were gay, and so he kept bringing up the fact that he wasn't gay and we were all going to pay. We got pretty scared and started walking away, but he followed us. Even when we would cross streets and turn around, he would just follow. Since my car was parked in a really dark and sketchy area, we decided to just go back in Starbucks. He waited outside, watching through the windows. Eventually we just asked an employee if she would take us out the back and we made a quick dash to the car.

I managed to snap this picture while he was doing one of his weird silent chants. Everyone avoid this guy!

Submitted by Jon 01/08/2010

Location: Starbucks on Broughton